We know which services and offers add real value and how return on investment can be measured.

The artificial separation of marketing, communication or market research is theoretical. In practice those measures are interdependent. Therefore we always think and act in a multidimensional and connected manner. Thus fulfilling our claim of accompanying you in the pursuit of your individual objectives and of reaching the best possible results for your products and services.

When it comes to product brands, key accounts, patient relationship management or medical affairs: We are happy to be at your service.

Today more than ever, intelligent marketing has to target the benefits of a product or service. We know the processes and needs of your target groups. We create measures, formulate and visualize messages with a lasting impact and diffuse them on relevant channels in a suitable form.

We offer all marketing services from a single source, always tailored to your individual situation and objectives.

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We understand complex medical facts and know how to establish precise physician and patient profiles. We act successfully by always combining our analytic and strategic approach with creativity. At all levels: from brainstorming, conception and creation to cost-effective implementation and performance measurement.

Detailed range of services in Medical Marketing

Strategy and conception 

  • Development and realisation of intertwined brand, content and service strategies
  • Launch campaigns incl. prelaunch activities: Multichannel marketing/communication
  • Development of a visual product presentation : «from scratch» as well as adaptation of international campaigns to Switzerland

Online / Digital Marketing

  • eDetailer/Visual Aids (Prelaunch & Launch Pads, Updates & Development), Differentiation Decks, Objection Handlers
  • Web sites incl. SEO optimisation (Disease Awareness & Patient services), with and without login-protected HCP domain
  • Slide Sets (Speaker Kits) for HCP
  • Newsletter incl. evaluation of data
  • Apps, gamification solutions, videoclips, animated graphics
  • DocWorld works with applications provided by Veeva, IQVIA, Pitcher, Agnitio

Print / Digital (cross-media)

  • Advertisments, Folders, Leave Behinds, Dose Regimen, Study Factsheets
  • Mailings incl. response analysis
  • Congress booths/presence at congresses
  • Patient information material
  • Point of Sale (PoS) activities
  • Awareness campaigns for patients and relatives
  • National observational studies (post-marketing observational studies PMOS): Conception, realization, evaluation, publication


  • Stakeholder workshops (ex. Advisory Boards, Concept Boards, Expert/Counselling Boards) with  specialists, primary care physicians or patients
  • Education courses for specialists or public/patients incl. speaker training
  • Congresses: Satellite and update symposia
  • Lecture Tours
  • Launch Events
  • Media events / press conferences

We bring into play the whole range of health communication. From concept creation to effective advertisements, expert contributions, PR texts or websites. We thoroughly research and put complex correlations into a nutshell for a any readership.

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For us communication is synonymous with a wide variety of verbal skills and with a sophisticated selection of communication channels. Whether having an interview with decision-makers or formulating and creating messages for your campaign: We always communicate in a professional manner and with the necessary intuition for the right words. Our texts achieve their aim and respect the regulatory requirements of Swiss legislation and the relevant codes! 

Detailed range of services in Medical Communication

Campaigning / Conception and strategy 

  • Development and realisation of cross-media brand, content and service strategies
  • Disease Awareness campaigns, patient information material
  • Patient Advocacy: Conception and realisation of measures with the collaboration of patient organisations incl. patient events

Text / Content

  • Product and science PR: PR articles, infomercials, congress reporting, interviews with experts, background articles
  • Editorial articles (experts, public), special publications, enclosures
  • Medical Writing: Expert recommendations, position statements, pocket guides, scientific publications incl. posters/abstracts

Public Relations (PR)

  • Public relation and press work: Media events, press conferences
  • Media planning and media placements (in collaboration with Medworld AG)

Discussing issues eye to eye with healthcare professionals, debating key questions, developing strategies or collecting opinions  - these are our strengths when it comes to conception and moderation of workshops in German, French and English. The customers' target group, goals and preferences define setting and moderation technique.

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Our trained moderators possess wide expertise: both in scientific know-how as well as in marketing and communication. We know how to moderate in a results-oriented way even when questions prove to be complex and target groups demanding. Using digital tools specifically increases participants’ interactivity and allows immediate inclusion of voting results, opinions and recommendations.

Detailed range of services Workshops & Moderations

Medical Affairs

  • Advisory Boards
  • Consensus conferences

Patient Advocacy

  • Patient workshops, possibly mixed with doctors
  • Patient events (information events)

Market research

  • Focus groups
  • Counselling/expert workshops
  • Sounding boards

Strategie / Marketing

  • Concept Boards
  • Speaker Boards

Our regular «med-panel», a standardised market research tool (omnibus) is available to you for a quick (digital) poll of primary care providers. We also regularly conduct our «pharm-panel» and «d-panel» among pharmacists and «druggists».

We design tailor-made opinion surveys for specialists: Either face-to-face, by phone, on-line or as group discussions and workshops. We are experts in gathering knowledge and needs in a structured way. Qualitative and quantitative market research among physicians and other health care actors are challenging and belong in the hands of professionals.

With our Patient Journey Workshops you know and you recognize the suffering of patients. Based on this, we derive strategic optimisations and effective measures at the touchpoint for your (product) offers. We give you access to new knowledge and respect the legal requirements of data protection and privacy.

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We understand the structures, master the terminology and know the nuances of the Swiss health care market. Thanks to our large network and our target-group-specific approach we are successful in analysing the targeted market in a focused manner. Collected data are carefully evaluated and recommendations formulated.  

Detailed range of services Market Research

Customized or omnibus

  • On-line, by phone, face-to-face, workshops: Conception, realisation, evaluation and recommendations
  • Patient surveys: online surveys of patients with specific diseases (e.g. psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, etc.)  Detailed information »
  • Med-panel; monthly omnibus among general practitioners from the German and French part of Switzerland. Detailed information »
  • Optimisation of marketing and communication documents (folder tests, dialogue tests)
  • National observational studies (post-marketing observational studies PMOS): Conception, realization, evaluation, publication
    Message Recalls

Message Recalls

  • Message recall test to improve sales force, product placement, market penetration, awareness; verification and refinement of marketing and sales concepts  

Do you have any questions about our services? We stay at your entire disposal.

Walter Kaiser
  • 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical agency business
  • > 10 years of experience in various positions in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Clinical experience: Internal medicine
  • Workshop moderation germ/engl.
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Walter Kaiser

Dr. med. MA HSG
Peter Mutzner
  • Experience in PR, marketing, statistics and market research
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Peter Mutzner

Project Manager Medical Marketing and Medical Communication
MSc Sustainable Development, University of Basel and Zurich Bachelor in Biology CAS science Journalism