Efficient, cost-effective, exclusive:
the multi-topic survey among Swiss primary care providers.

The online market research «med-panel family doctors» of DocWorld AG provides you with a reliable basis for decision-making: specific, fast, professional and with an attractive price-performance ratio.

Questions that need to be revised by us and/or approved by your clearing process should reach us by the editorial deadline I (German or French or both).

You can send us internally approved, i.e. final question(s) by the date of editorial deadline II. Translation/programming and online phase will then be started.

Approximately three weeks after the deadline, the evaluation will be at your disposal. The «med-panel family doctors» is managed from A to Z by specialists with proven experience in marketing and market research. 


  • Multi-topic survey: Participation is possible with at least 3 questions per client (open, semi-open, closed, matrix).
  • At least 4 questions must be received in total for a survey wave to be carried out.
  • Sample: 120 Swiss general practitioners (90 in German-speaking Switzerland / 30 in French-speaking Switzerland) from a panel of around 400 general practitioners throughout Switzerland

Our services

  • Support in formulating questions (for submission by editorial deadline I)
  • Translation, programming and implementation of the online survey with all the questions received
  • Results / evaluation as PDF version of a PowerPoint presentation; usually with 1-2 slides per question and conclusion slide (if useful) as well as information on the participants


  • Per closed question CHF 1'350.- *
  • Package price per open/semi-open question CHF 1'650.- *
  • Package price per matrix question CHF 1'650.- * (up to 6 answer options, each additional answer option CHF 200, plus CHF 300 if a matrix answer option is open)
  • Against surcharge: additional evaluations, Data in Excel format
  • Pharmacovigilance according to expenditure

* Incl. translation and evaluation

Do you have any questions about our services? We stay at your entire disposal.

Walter Kaiser
  • 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical agency business
  • > 10 years of experience in various positions in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Clinical experience: Internal medicine
  • Workshop moderation germ/engl.
Per E-Mail kontaktieren

Walter Kaiser

Dr. med. MA HSG
Peter Mutzner
  • Experience in PR, marketing, statistics and market research
Per E-Mail kontaktieren

Peter Mutzner

Project Manager Medical Marketing and Medical Communication
MSc Sustainable Development, University of Basel and Zurich Bachelor in Biology CAS science Journalism

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